Source: eKapija | Sunday, 26.05.2013.| 14:57
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State seeks co-investor for hotel and suite complex at Mount Stara Planina - Public call for proposals open by June 28th

future look of the hotel at Mount Stara Planina
future look of the hotel at Mount Stara Planina

The Ministry of Finance and Economy and the Stara Planina public company from Knjazevac announced a public call on Friday for proposals from co-investors interested in participating in the construction of a hotel and suite complex and several family suites within the tourist complex Jabucko Ravniste at Mount Stara Planina.

This tender is conducted in line with amendments to the Detailed Regulation Plan for the first phase of aforementioned tourist resort, and all bidders can submit a bid for one or more lots.

Bids can be submitted by any domestic company established by either domestic or foreign juristic or physical person.

future look of multifamily houses at Stara Planina
future look of multifamily houses at Stara Planina (Photo: JP Stara planina)

Tender documentation is priced at EUR 1,000 (in dinars). All those interested can get a detailed information about this tender in Serbian and English language after signing a non-disclosure agreement and paying the fee for the documentation.

The holiday resort Stara Planina is a greenfield project aimed at developing the first-ever year-round tourist destination in the Balkans, which has been declared a tourist project of priority importance by international experts and the Serbian government.

The deadline to submit bids is June 28th.

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