Source: eKapija | Wednesday, 21.12.2011.| 16:03
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Tourist zone on the Danube - Golubac Master Plan envisages dock construction, hotel reconstruction, city core development


The Arandjelovac-based planning, architectural and consulting company Arhiplan has finished the Master Plan for the urban settlement Golubac. The plan is to relocate the Djerdap Main Route, develop the city core, and build a dock, a yacht club and a marina.

The natural beauties of the lower Danube basin, Djerdap National Park in particular, the Danube river and significant cultural and historical heritage in the subject area and its surroundings are potentials that enable the development of Golubac.

- Relocation of the transit road Djerdap Main Route to the territory outside the settlement will create conditions for the reconstruction and revitalization of the city core. That road is now going through Golubac, and the plan is to move it to go around the settlement's southern side - Dragana Biga, member of Arhiplan's author team that worked on the Master Plan, explains for eKapija.

In Golubac, where the Danube is said to have "the broadest smile" in Serbia, the city core development will facilitate the formation of a tourist zone.

(view of the river)

- The plan is to enable tourists to primarily access the town from the river, which is why the regulation of the river banks and the construction of a dock are in the pipeline – says our interlocutor.

In order to present this settlement in northeast Serbia to tourists in the best possible light and create conditions for offering them a high-quality accommodation, the Master Plan also envisages the reconstruction of the existing hotel Golubacki Grad.

The plan is also to build sports courts, promenades and bicycle trails, a yacht club and a marina.


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