eKapija peeped in Vojvodina’s oasis of creativity so we are reporting somedetails from newly-built houses C and D as well as from the facility foraccommodation of artists, House 23 which is now also a part of the complex inMokrin.
Modern design and the spirit of the old Panonia properties
"House C" is an "experience point"– a place where artists and guests who stay at the Terra Panonica place meet. It is designed ascompletely open multifunctional space, for most diverse events such as presentations,projections, concerts, exhibitions, degustation’s, etc. "House D" is amodern craftsmen workshop for artists, designers, innovators and explorerswhile "House 23" ("House 23") is planned for their accommodationduring their stay here.
Houses C and D are newly-built facilities while House 23 is reconstructedold, family house which is now turned into a place for accommodation of 24people, the manager of , Terra Panonica, Milica Zivkovic Karadzin, explains foreKapija.
For all facilities, open plan i.e. completely free and open basis is typicalfor all facilities. Facilities C and D comprise multi-functional room for differentthings and service area.
Easy walls in interior, rotating working area and big façade openings which connectsinterior with a plateau and a garden make House C very adaptable for most diverse activities.The facility has a basement, a ground floor and a gallery and occupies grossarea of 370 m2.
The ground floor of "House D" is a unique workingarea for manual work with ceramics, wood and metal while the floor is bookedfor work on computers, seminars and meetings. Total gross area is 475 m2.
Comprising part of the "House D" and its extension is a lightsteel construction on pillars with its own stairs which forms a terrace and isan extension of working rooks at the ground floor and a floor in interior sothat workshop capacities increase over the winter.
"House 23" should have complied with requiredcriteria of accommodation for up to 30 people in a very tight space. Since thisfacility was primarily for accommodation of young people, it was adapted totheir sensibility. The ground floor comprises mutual kitchen with a living room,two sleeping rooms and bathrooms while the attics has bedrooms with bathrooms.
-Facility interior is almost ascetic, with a reference to utilitarianaspect of accommodation during seminarsand workshops– a collocutor of eKapija explains.
-Cargo bicycle is a special element - "Terra Panonica Shop". Itis a mobile souvenir shop where TerraPanonica products made durorng workshops or through cooperation with local community,are presented - Milica Zivkovic Karadzin says.
The thing mutual for all three facilities is connection to the yard, a large number of glass movable walls in the ground floor. This ways, it makes houses “connect” with" green areas and together with the land make the inseparable unit. It is important to mention furniture as well, the architects designed one part of it deliberately and one part contains repaired old pieces of furniture from the land. This way, authors wanted to keep character of former households and local heritage.
Maximal renewable energy resources exploitation
Ourcollocutor reveals that the idea was that new houses remind of auxiliaryservice facilities, typical for Vojvodina land, so materials were selected thisway as well.
On the other hand, designing challenge was to make all facilities sustainableand energy efficient so innovative heating and cooling systems were used.
Plans for 2015
- In 2015, we are planning to organize a few programs mainly in marketingand creativity in business and we will publish competitions where all those whohave ideas and want to organize a program or activity here can apply, thecollocutor of our portal says for the end.