First awards arrived, modern winery with luxurious suites in Topola underway - How Dragan Rogan fullfilled his childhood dream?

Source: eKapija Tuesday, 05.08.2014. 16:32

Rogan vineyardsRogan vineyards

When in the age of nine he worked for the pocket money in a vineyard of the agricultural collective in a small place in Metohija, he promised himself thatone day, when he earns enough money, he will have his own vineyard. His childhood dream started fulfilling in 2008 when he planted the first grapevines in Lipovac at Topola. Today, professor Dragan Rogan has big plans such as opening of a winery, degustation halls and luxurious suites.

Professor Rogan nine months ago returned to our country from Canada where he lived for the past 25 years.

- I decided to live in Serbia after working in Canada. I finished the Facultyof Veterinary, I took my MS thesis and I spent one part of my PhD studies in Canada. I decided to move there in 1989. Originally, I am from Herzegovina, I was born and lived in Metohija but I claim to be a Sumadija citizen - Dragan Rogan, the owner of the Rogan winery says for eKapija at the beginning of his interview.

Our collocutor says that he got a recommendation from his brother who is an agricultural engineer, to plant vineyards in Topola because it is the most favorable area in our country.

- I was thinking of planting a vineyard in Argentinabut I opted for Serbia. I organized a purchase of 72 lots from 47 owners so nowwe have 17 ha. I managed to buy land viaphone call from Canada and I was coming to Serbia 4-6 times a year. Now I teachMicrobiology and infection diseases at the Veterinary Faculty in Novi Sad and Ialso work as a freelance professor in Canada and Argentina.

Dragan RoganDragan Rogan

The first vineyards were planted in 2008 and now they cultivate syrah,merlot, cabernet sauvignon and chardonnay on 14 ha.

- We are the biggest producers of the siraz kind. We have plantations of the gama kind on half a hectare which we are planning to increase. We will ask for the estimations from France because I heard they left without this kind.

The Rogan winery won the first prizes with the first harvest and the firstbottles. In May, for the siraz wine, at the international wine producers’competition in France, in the competition of 405 wines from 26 countries, they wereawarded the silver medal.

- Our wine, “siraz” for the first time won silver medal in the history of Serbian wine. Also, early this year, we won with the chardonnay wine a bronze medal at the prestigious wine competition in France. We won gold medals for cabernet and chardonnay in Arandjelovac.

Modern winery with suites underway

The Rogan winery set up a small production in Topola with the annual production capacity of 5.000 bottles for friends and visitors who come to a degustation hall in thewinery.

- We did not have a real large wine basin. We packed our grapes in storagesand sent to Ptuj, the oldest Slovenian brewery where we produced the Roganwine. We cooperate with a wine expert, Bojan Kobal, who won more than 300prized worldwide – Rogan explains.

A collocutor of eKapija announces that this year they will start productionin their new winery and that they will continue developing wine tourism.

- In ten days, we are starting preparations and then we begin the construction of wine basin, a lab, a new degustation hall. Also, visitor will have seven suites at their disposal, 2 luxurious ones and five on 50 square meters. The facility will have the elements of the Sumadija-Morava style. We will no longer produce wine in Slovenia but only in our basin. We are planning to produce 20.000 bottles in the fall –Rogan says.

Apart from the wine basin, the Rogan family is planning a vineyard expansionto 25 ha as well as sparkling wine production.

- I expect my son Nikola to return soon from Canada to take over business.We are planning to plant white pinot and Nikola’s idea is that we produce awine like Champaign out of that and chardonnay kind. Apart from that, next yearwe are planning to built a swimming pool which is my daughter Milena’s idea.

When the complex is over, on a one-hectare area, Dragan Rogan willcompletely enjoy his dream and watch visitors of the Rogan winery enjoying beautiful view over the vineyards with a bottle of a good wine.

Where can one find Rogan wines?

As for now, guests of Frans, Klub knjizevnika, Bella Italia, Toro, restaurantsand hotels of Mona and Tulip Inn canenjoy these wines and they are also available at Belgrade wine houses Companiade Vinos and Wine and pleasure and soon in five wine houses more.


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