Vucic advised by Franco Frattini as well

Source: eKapija Tuesday, 08.10.2013. 15:44

(Franco Frattini)

Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic announced that he would hire another foreign adviser.

- One of my advisers will be Franco Frattini - Vucic said in his guest appearance on TV Prva.

Franco Frattini is former foreign minister and a candidate for the secretary-general of NATO. According to Vucic, "he is also a man with the most significant connections in the world and Europe."

People at Vucic's Office said Monday that Franco Frattini had accepted the Serbian government's invitation to help Serbia as an adviser in the process of its admission to the European Union, especially when it comes to chapters 23 and 24 in accession negotiations.

Frattini will provide his services free of charge and through personal contacts with Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic.

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