Slovenian "Hermes Softlab" officially took over "Virtual Team" from Kragujevac – partnership to bring 400,000 EUR by end of year

Source: eKapija Thursday, 01.01.1970. 12:42

On September 7, 2006, in hotel "Šumarice", at "Invest Expo 06" Fair, manager of the operations of software company "Hermes Softlab" from Ljubljana, Gregor Smrekar, and the manager of Kragujevac-based company "Virtual Team", Vladan Atanasijević, signed the contract that made "Virtual Team" part of Slovenian "Hermes".

Investment: Gregor Smrekar, Vladan Atanasijević and Dejan CvetkovićInvestment: Gregor Smrekar, Vladan Atanasijević and Dejan Cvetković
(Under the same roof: Gregor Smrekar and Vladan Atanasijević)

Speaking about the details of that arrangement, Smrekar pointed out that "Hermes Softlab" had decided to take over the aforementioned Kragujevac-based company in order to strengthen its presence in the region of the west Balkans, as well as to approach current and potential users in Serbia. According to his words, newly formed comany "Hermes Softlab Srbija", the manager of which will be Vladan Atanasijević, will soon expand its capacities and employ about 30 young and talented engineers.

Investment: Gregor Smrekar, Vladan Atanasijević and Dejan CvetkovićInvestment: Gregor Smrekar, Vladan Atanasijević and Dejan Cvetković

- "Hermes Softlab" deals with production of software for financial and telecommunication companies, as well as for small and mid-sized enterprises and public administration. We exist for 15 years and we are present in BiH, Slovenia and now in Serbia, but we have our offices in USA, Austria, Germany, Ireland and France – Smrekar explained.

The manager of newly founded company "Hermes Softlab Srbija", Vladan Atanasijević, expressed great satisfaction with the establishment of cooperation with the aforementioned Ljubljana-based company and added that he expected that, prior to the end of the year, "Hermes Softlab Srbija" would manage to export software worth about 400,000 EUR.

Investment: Gregor Smrekar, Vladan Atanasijević and Dejan CvetkovićInvestment: Gregor Smrekar, Vladan Atanasijević and Dejan Cvetković

The signing of the contract took place in the presence of the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, Slobodan Milosavljević, and the manager of "Microsoft Srbija", Dejan Cvetković, who pointed out that the realized arrangement represented "direct ivnestment in production, stimulation of employment and economic development of Serbia".

I. Aranđelović

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