3 billion EUR worth of investments in railways of Serbia

Source: Tanjug Thursday, 01.01.1970. 13:41

- For the works on the main railways, through the Programme for maintenance of public railway infrastructure and regulation of railway transportation, somewhat over 3 billion CSD have been provided this year - said the manager of the Directorate for Infrastructure of "Serbian Railways" Predrag Janković.

Most of the means from the Programme will be set aside for the railways and railway units - 2 billion CSD.

The aforementioned means will be invested in 31 main railways and sections, 19 railways of the first class and 38 railways of the second class, which represent all important railway junction all around Serbia and the maintenance of which will contribute to the increase in transportation safety and efficiency level.

About 217m CSD from this Programme will be spent on electro-technical units, about 327m CSD will be spent on the buildings on railway stations, terminals and other facilities on the bus stations, whereas about 400m CSD will be set aside for the machines for maintenance of infrastructural capacities.

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