New invitation for privatization of Jugoslovensko Recno Brodarstvo opened

Source: eKapija Thursday, 15.08.2024. 13:51
(Photo: Print screen / Google maps)
The Ministry of Economy has opened a new invitation for the privatization of Jugoslovensko Recno Brodarstvo, as announced at the beginning of this month.

The initial price amounts to nearly EUR 22 million, and the opening of the bids will be held on September 5.

Local legal persons which meet certain conditions are eligible.

The details (in Serbian) can be found HERE.

Let us remind that, in July, the Ministry of Economy of Serbia initiated the privatization of Jugoslovensko Recno Brodarstvo, at a price of EUR 29.2 million, and the call was canceled only two days later.

As they said, “in the period following the preparation and publishing of the public invitation, the Ministry of Economy was notified by the Property Directorate of the Republic of Serbia, through the subject of privatization, that certain parcels, according to the current planning documentation, are planned to be part of a project of special significance for the Republic of Serbia. After the submission of an adjusted estimate, the Ministry of Economy will open a new public invitation.”

JRB is the biggest Serbian shipping company and one of the five biggest ones on the Danube. It has a long tradition of cargo transport on inland waterways. Since 2010, JRB has been owned by the state, following the termination of the contract on the sale of that company to the company EDDSG.

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