Belgrade-Zrenjanin-Novi Sad Highway Route to Be Changed

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 31.05.2023. 15:28
Illustration (Photo: andreas160578/
The construction of the Belgrade-Zrenjanin-Novi Sad highway, which has been pronounced a project of special importance for the Republic of Serbia, was first announced for 2019, then for 2020, then for 2021, and then for February 2022. The minister of construction, transport and infrastructure, Goran Vesic, announced at the beginning of this year that the construction would begin in 2024, and now the Ministry of Construction has published a new tender for the changing of the planning documentation.

The public procurement procedure, whose value has been estimated at RSD 10 million, envisages amendments to the spatial plan of the special-purpose area of the corridor of the Belgrade-Zrenjanin-Novi Sad highway with a preliminary design, and one of the goals of new changes, as said, is a better positioning of the highway route.

The changes to the spatial plan encompass parts of the territories of the city of Belgrade, city of Pancevo, city of Zrenjanin, municipality of Opovo and municipality of Kovacica.

The deadline for applying for the tender is June 30, 2023.

According to the previously presented planning documents, the popular Vojvodina P is supposed to be a 100-km road with several interchanges in the territories of four cities and three municipalities, that is, on a total of four thousand hectares.

The route was changed once before, when the Ecka interchange was moved toward the future tire factory at the request of Zrenjanin-based companies and due to the needs of Linglong.

In February 2022, Vesic, as the then deputy mayor of Belgrade, stated that the City of Belgrade insisted for the Zrenjanin Road to be included in the project of the construction of the Belgrade-Zrenjanin fast road.

At the beginning of 2020, the Memorandum of Understanding on the Preparation of Planning and Technical Documentation for the construction of the Belgrade (Borca)-Zrenjanin-Novi Sad highway was signed with China Shandong International Economic and Technical Corporation Group.

Take a look at our info-map Construction of Highways and Fast Roads in Serbia and the Region.

I. Z.

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