Italians leased land in industrial zone of Zrenjanin

Source: Danas Friday, 03.03.2006. 11:22

Contract of leas of land on 99 years in the industrial zone in Zrenjanin, was signed yesterday between the representatives of textile industry Pompea spa from Italy and local department of Zrenjanin. Contract about giving land was signed by the president of Zrenjanin county, Goran Knezevic, and the comittment for infrstructural equipping attested the director of direction for construction, Laslo Fuks. According to the words of Mirko Bernuci, director of Serbian representative office of the company Pompea spa, the leas is 480.000 eur, and in the construction of machinery for manufacture of underwear and socks should be invested 7 millions eur.

- Besides the factories in Italy, we also have sale capacities in Spain, Poland and Tunisia. Three years ago we have started business in Serbia, in Brus, where now er have 500 workers - pointed Bernuci.

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