Contract signed on the extension of terminal building at Nis "Constantine the Great" Airport

Source: eKapija Sunday, 27.02.2022. 21:05
Airports of Serbia LTD and a consortium of Serbian companies signed an agreement today on the extension of the terminal building within the complex of the "Constantine the Great" Airport in Nis.

The contract was signed by the director of W.D. Concord West Belgrade Branimir Mijailovic and the director of the Airports of Serbia LTD, Mihajlo Zdravkovic.

The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Tomislav Momirovic, expressed his belief that this airport will be one of the most modern airports in Southeast Europe.

The upgrade of the terminal building will provide a capacity for 1.5 million passengers a year and it will be able to serve 6 aircraft at the same time.

The upgraded terminal will have 5 exits (gates) and the option of using an air bridge, which does not exist currently.

It will also have approximately 700 square meters of commercial space and will provide significantly improved passenger comfort and a larger number of accompanying facilities.

The agreed value of the works is approximately RSD 1.3 billion dinars without VAT, and the estimated time for the completion is two years, according to the website of the Government of Serbia.
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