Fighting Covid Part 2 and Big Investments in Public, But Also Private Health Sector and Science – 2021 Retrospective, Investments in Healthcare

Source: eKapija Thursday, 20.01.2022. 10:22
(Photo: anawat sudchanham/, Instagram/buducnostsrbijeav printscreen, Bexel Consulting, IBM Consult doo/ Urbanistički projekat)
What can be said about healthcare after two years of the coronavirus pandemic that everyone is not already sick hearing about? We are all waiting for the madness to end, and experts keep saying that it can only be done through vaccination.

It’s no wonder, then, that by far the most read news article about healthcare on the eKapija portal last year was the one regarding the vaccines against the coronavirus, more precisely, their production in Serbia.

Let’s take a look at the investments in healthcare that drew the most attention from our readers in 2021:

The future look of the Serbian vaccine factory (Photo: Instagram/buducnostsrbijeav, printscreen)The future look of the Serbian vaccine factory

1. Sinopharm Vaccine Factory

You were first interested in how the future factory which will produce two million Chinese Sinopharm vaccines in Serbia will look like, and then we also revealed where it will be located. Finally, the companies for the equipping of the location in Zemun Polje were selected and the construction began in September. It should be reminded that the factory is a joint investment of Serbia, China and the United Arab Emirates, worth EUR 30 million, and, according to the latest announcements, the production of the vaccines should begin in March.

The future look of the “Resavska” garage (Photo: IBM Consult doo/ Urbanistički projekat)The future look of the “Resavska” garage

2. Clinical Center of Serbia and Parking

With the second spot on the list, we take a break from the coronavirus topic, which we obviously need. This spot features an investment that should solve a decades-long problem of parking around the Clinical Center of Serbia – the announcement that, within the complex of the Clinical Center of Serbia, a garage on three tiers with 639 spaces is to be built. After that, in the summer, a new announcement followed, saying that the Clinical Center of Serbia will get three garages, with 1,889 spaces and a heliport. The value of the job has been estimated at EUR 28.4 million, and the Ministry of Health published the public invitation for the awarding of the concession for their designing and construction.

3. Turkish Acibadem Buys Bel Medic

The third spot features a big investment in private healthcare in Serbia – first as an announcement that the famous world hospital chain, the Turkish Acibadem, is buying the Serbian private clinic Bel Medic, and then as an official confirmation of this big acquisition.
(Photo: Syda Productions/

4. Covid Hospital in Novi Sad

As an inevitable topic, Covid is also featured in the fourth spot on our list, namely, the construction of a Covid hospital in Novi Sad, announced in March. It was decided that the hospital of 19,500 m2 will be located in Miseluk, and the facility opened in September. The construction and equipping cost over RSD 8 billion, and it has been decided for it to become the City Hospital when the pandemic ends.

The future look of Tirsova 2 (Photo: Bexel Consulting)The future look of Tirsova 2

5. Tirsova 2

The construction of another hospital, this time a hospital for children, Tirsova 2, started in October 2021. The tender for the preparation of the construction site was published for this project, announced for decades, in May, and toward the very end of the year, we showed what the new University Children’s Hospital, worth 100 million, which will spread on 60,000 m2, will look like.

6. Production of Russian Vaccine Sputnik at Torlak

Midway through our list of the most read articles in 2021, we go back to the vaccines. The sixth spot features the production of the Russian coronavirus vaccine Sputnik V at the Torlak Institute in Belgrade. After the first phase of the production of the Russian vaccine was approved in February, the filling of the first series of control doses was carried out in April. The production, which was approved by the Russian Gamaleya National Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, started in June, and the Sputnik V made at Torlak was approved for use in September.

The future look of "Pet Zvezdica" retirement home in Kragujevac (Photo: Dom za smeštaj starijih osoba "Pet zvezdica")The future look of "Pet Zvezdica" retirement home in Kragujevac

7. Retirement Home Pet Zvezdica in Kragujevac

In late November, your attention was drawn by the project of the construction of the retirement home “Pet Zvezdica” in Kragujevac, so this investment placed 7th on the list. The investor announced that it was the most modern home for the elderly, which will exceed all the standards when it comes to providing this kind of service in Serbia – in addition to luxury rooms and a modern kitchen in line with the HACCP standard and a restaurant with a view to the city, the users will also be provided with a salt-water pool in the yard and a modern rehabilitation room equipped with a hydro-massage bathtub. The opening is planned for mid-2022.

The future look of the National Center “Ukras sveta” (Photo: Dizajn Arhitektura/Urbanistički projekat, screenshot)The future look of the National Center “Ukras sveta”

8. National Center for Early Child Development and Inclusion “Ukras Sveta”

This position features the urban project for the construction of a center for children with developmental problems. The center, which will be located in Bezanijska Kosa, is designed as a two-story complex consisting of several units, including therapeutic, diagnostic, education and science and research units, with numerous other features. According to the wife of the president of Serbia, Tamara Vucic, the completion of this project, worth between 20 and 22 million euros, is expected in the summer of 2023.

Illustration (Photo: nd3000/

9. Bio4 Campus

The ninth spot belongs to the Bio Campus for bioinformatics, biotechnology, biodiversity and biomedicine, whose construction was announced by eKapija in May. In September, a topic you found interesting was our announcement of the planned opening of the contest for the preliminary design for this, as announced, first campus of its kind in the region, and the negotiation procedure for the preparation of the preliminary design has just been launched. Bio4 Campus will encompass two faculties, the Faculty of Biology and the Faculty of Pharmacy, as well as five science institutes, and the plan is for it to be built near Torlak.

10. Zdravlje Leskovac Changes Owner

The penultimate position belongs to the news that, in early 2021, Frontier Pharma and Baystone Group reached the agreement with the company Teva to buy the Zdravlje factory in Leskovac from it. The new owner announced that they intended to maintain the status of Zdravlje as a top-quality international supplier of medicines.

Illustration (Photo: anawat sudchanham/

11. Genome Sequencing Center

We have come to the final spot on our list and the news article from May, which announces that Serbia, with the help of China, will build the Center for Genome Sequencing and Bioinformatics for the Monitoring of Virus Mutation. The center opened in early December in Belgrade, and it was built through a cooperation of the Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering and the Beijing Genomics Institute. Initially, its role will be to monitor the mutations of the coronavirus, but the idea is also for Serbia to develop biomedicine through new technologies.

You can find the list of the most read investments in healthcare HERE.

B. Petrovic

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