Companies in Serbia Employ 3.7% Workers More Last Year Than in 2019

Source: eKapija Thursday, 23.09.2021. 11:37
Illustration (Photo: Pressmaster/
Last year, in Serbia, 106,111 companies employed 1,217,954 workers, which is 3.7% more than in 2019, announced the Business Registers Agency.

Companies with over 250 employees increased their number of employees by 4.7% in 2020, so 586 companies employed 523,405 workers, or 43% of the total number of employees in the economy.

Companies with 51-250 employees also increased the number of workers by 2.7% last year and they employed 277,026 workers.

A considerable increase in the number of workers, by 4.4%, was also recorded in companies with 11-50 employees, so 10,822 companies employed 235,532 workers.

In 2020, the number of companies without employees dropped by 3.1%, but still, 31,465 such companies have a share of 29.7% in the total number of companies.

The biggest number of companies without employees is in the sector of retail and wholesale, and, observed by size, most are micro companies (99.1%), but, based on the operating income and the value of the total assets, there are also small, medium and large companies.

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