Elicio Wind to Develop New Wind Farms in Pancevo Territory

Source: eKapija Tuesday, 22.09.2020. 14:45
Alibunar Wind Farm (Photo: Zvone/shutterstock.com)Alibunar Wind Farm
Elicio Wind, which has already completed two wind farms in Serbia, Alibunar (42 MW) and Malibunar (8 MW), intends to keep investing and to increase its share in the “green” energy market in Serbia, as confirmed for eKapija by Christophe Bols, the company`s Country Manager for Serbia.

– We have initiated new projects in the territory of the City of Pancevo. We have filed requests to the local self-government and we expect a positive outcome upon the establishment of the new city authorities - Bols told our portal.

As he says, the company is satisfied with the business environment in Serbia, which is why they intend to increase their presence in the market. They are aware, he adds, that feed-in tariffs and state subsidies will be removed, but they are ready for this, because they already operate within the tendering systems in other countries in Europe.

In response to our question about what the local self-governments where wind farm projects are realized can expect, that is, what kind of benefits Alibunar has had, Bols answers:

– Being a responsible investor which understands and responds to the needs of the communities where we invest, Elicio has made donations for the local community entities and has committed to further funding throughout operation of our wind farms via agreement on funding of projects of importance for local community. We will do the same in the municipalities where we start our new projects.
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