Towards Western Balkans Digital Summit on April 4-5 - Largest digital event in the region

Source: Tanjug Monday, 01.04.2019. 12:30
(Photo: Den Rise/
The second Western Balkans Digital Summit will be held on April 4-5 in Belgrade as part of the Digital Week Serbia. Hundreds of regional companies will participate and present their work at this year`s Summit. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS) is one of the organizers of this event.

The president of CCIS, Marko Cadez said that the most important topic that drove the theme of digitalization were digital skills and the ways to prepare for the economy of the future.

In his guest appearance on the morning programme on RTS, Cadez said that the Digital Summit was truly the largest digital event in the region because it would bring together 3,000 participants from 30 countries and 2,000 businessmen, representatives of big and small, innovative and also perfectly compact and unique businesses that have new things to present to the world because they are recognized as leaders in their respective domains on a global level.

– New digital models are as a significant a subject as the connection to eGovernment – what the governments of the Western Balkan countries can offer as new frame of management and how they can simplify certain things for both private citizens and companies, said Cadez.

He pointed out that networking and digital infrastructure were essential when it came to internet speeds. He said that it was vital that innovative regional businesses were connected with big global companies.

Cadez said that it was essential to keep the conversation open with small and medium business. He added that CCIS established a Center for Digital Transformation with 40 consultants who would help companies implement technological solutions on the basis of strategy implementation.

– We successfully digitized the first batch of businesses but it`s important for the business owners to acquire the necessary knowledge and transform their way of thinking, concluded Cadez.
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