Germany's Stumpp & Baier offering EUR 3,000 a month for lease of Boreli - Darfur interested in Sombor footwear factory

Source: eKapija Monday, 30.10.2017. 10:16
(Photo: Olena Yakobchuk/
The production halls of Fabrika Obuce Boreli in bankruptcy have been empty since mid-September. It is not yet known who the new lessee will be, as the board of creditors is yet to make any kind of decision.

The company Stumpp & Baier was the sole bidder at the public invitation for the lease of the facilities of DP Boreli in bankruptcy, and this long-term partner of the Sombor company offered EUR 3,000 a month for the lease of the production facility, as well as for hiring a larger number of workers, reports.

The former lessee Darfur is also interested, even though it was recently reported that the company had given up on the lease.

Darfur exited the Sombor factory in mid-September. It still owes the employees one a a half salary, and the question also remains what will happen to the RSD 3.6 million it received from the City of Sombor to employ workers. It obliged to employ 20 workers for one year.

– If Darfur doesn`t continue its operations in Sombor, we will, of course, have our funds returned. We have secured ourselves to the end – says member of the City Council in charge of finance, Sava Dojic.

According to Dojic, the problems started in mid-September when the workers halted the production, whereas Darfur was ordered to leave the factory halls.

– The bankruptcy trustee banned the employees at Darfur from entering the factory on September 12 and ordered them to empty the facilities of their possessions – Dojic says.

The decision on who is to sign an agreement of business-technical cooperation and become the lessee of the production halls of Boreli in bankruptcy has not yet been reached by the board of creditors. Only the German offer was sent within deadline, but Darfur did submit a letter of intent, Radio Television of Vojvodina reports.

Dragan Perovic, co-owner of Darfur Boreli, promised the workers that they would be paid their late salaries regardless of whether the production is to continue. He also said that he wanted to continue the production in Boreli and that his offer was better than the sole offer sent within the deadline, the one by the legal entity from Germany.
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