Novi Sad provides RSD 2,5 billion for construction of the hall of the American company Lear

Source: Radio 021 Friday, 06.05.2016. 11:17

(Photo: mihalec/
Novi Sad will set aside more than RSD 2.5 billion for construction of the hall American factory Lear will be located in the work zone Sever IV.

The city has already provided for land placement RSD 600 m and the amount of two and a half billion dinars comprises works which consortium of companies will carry out and which were assigned at the tender of the Bureau for city construction.

This consortium was the only bidder in the tender. The hall on 28,000 m2 must be completed by November 1 and will be followed by penalties, including termination of the contract with the US company.

This factory will employ between 1,600 and 2,000 people and Lear has recently started training of the first workers at the halls of Luka Novi Sad.

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