Construction of loop in Petlovo brdo not underway soon - Project and contractors change

Source: Novosti Wednesday, 27.04.2016. 14:31
Petlovo brdoPetlovo brdo
Start of loop construction in Petlovo brdo is not even close. The project part of the bypass around Belgrade, after three years of blockade , is not at the positive zero but it is steps back. The original plan has to change as well as majority of chosen contractor. PC Putevi Srbije assure there will be no problem due to compensation claims and Strabag will invoice to the Republic of Serbia.

The contract with the contractor for construction of the loop Orlovaca and Petlovo brdo was signed July 23,2013. Business was given to Austrian Strabag which submitted the best bid of EUR 6 m. The works will be funded through the loan of the European Investment Bank.
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