SERTIC: Public companies will truly be in service of citizens

Source: Tanjug Sunday, 03.01.2016. 13:46
Zeljko SerticZeljko Sertic
Serbian Economy Minister Zeljko Sertic said Sunday, 3 January 2016, that the Law on Public Companies should be adopted as soon as possible to take effect in 2016 because that regulation would deepen controls and turn public companies into a real service for citizens.
- With this law we strive to make controls more thorough, and we will also be paying attention to broader aspects of operations of public companies. That is the only way to tighten things up and put public companies in true service of citizens and the rest of the economy sector - Sertic told Tanjug news agency.
A draft of this law is still subject of public discussion, and the competent minister explains that, prior to law adoption, in late 2014 and early 2015, the Government began measuring certain parameters, although, as he notes, there are nothing to compare these results with since none of his predecessors has ever dealt with that.
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