First Canadian-Serbian Business Forum on November 4 in Belgrade

Source: eKapija Monday, 02.11.2015. 15:21

In cooperation with the Embassy of Canada in Serbia and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Canadian-Serbian Business Association (CANSEE) is organizing the First Canadian-Serbian Business Forum on business opportunities in the framework of economic cooperation between Serbia and Canada, CANSEE announced in a release.

Forum will be opened by Zeljko Sertic, Minister of Economy, Government of Serbia, followed by Marko Cadez, President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, H.E. Philip Pinnington, Ambassador of Canada to Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro, and Goran Obradovic, President, CANSEE Canadian-Serbian Business Association.

The first Canadian-Serbian Business Forum is dedicated to the development of greater economic cooperation between Canada and Serbia. With the aim to strengthen and develop investment and trade between Canada and Serbia, the representatives from the Canadian and Serbian governments, government agencies responsible for the promotion of investment and economic cooperation, chambers of commerce, business, financial institutions, experts and non-governmental organizations.

This international event focused to connect investors and experts with all relevant governmental, financial and social stakeholders, offers to business people, entrepreneurs and investors the opportunity to meet each other and discuss sustainable business opportunities.

For the First Canadian Serbian Business Forum B2B Talk System was set, as well as twitter wall for Q&A period and live streaming of the whole Event, which can be followed from the CANSEE website (, from the SCC website ( and from the Talk B2B Platform (, the release reads.

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