Reconstruction of Old Sava bridge postponed again - works to commence this summer

Source: Novosti Thursday, 01.01.1970. 14:26

Commencement of reconstruction of the Old Sava bridge has been postponed again. The deadline was breached due to tender that is still in progress. Although the exact date for commencement of works is not known yet, the Secretariat for Traffic assures that it will be this summer.

According to the words of Radovan Drča from the Sector for Implementation of projects of Secretariat for Traffic, the announcement of tender was postponed due to requesst of European Investment Bank to examine tender documentation.

- They are providing funds and they are inclined to insight in the documentation. If the tender turns to be a success, some optimal time for works to start is August - Drča explains and adds that reconstruction is voluminous and complex job because, in addition to bridge structure, the tram network will also be regenerated.

- The grids and poles on the bridge will be changed. Then there is a replacement of tram rails, as well as complete power supply network. Also, the new lighting system will be installed, both regular and decorative. During the works, Old Bridge will be closed. Neither public transportation vehicles, nor private vehicles will be allowed to cross the bridge. Only trams, in the late night hours, will be passing the bridge to reach the garage in NOvi Beograd - he points out.

The people from the Secretariat add that they set the deadline for themselves that the reconstruction of Old Sava bridge should be completed by the end of the year.

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