20 local firms at tender for counters

Source: eKapija Thursday, 12.03.2015. 13:43
(Photo: eps.rs)

The Electric Power Industry of Serbia did not change tender terms for procurement of IT and measuring infrastructure, devices and integrations and which only partially comprises supply of electrical smart counters, the company announced.

EPS Metering project whose part is this procurement, is funded through the loan of EBRD and EIB.

With the approval of the Government of Serbia and EBRD, tender was released December 15, 2014. All documentation, procedures and answers to questions are supervised and approved by EBRD and entire tender procedure is implemented strictly in line with EBRD rules.

Tender documentation was purchased by 38 firms, 20 of that local ones and only these 38 firms participate at tender procedure. So-called “Group of local producers ", which speaks in media is not a legal entity which purchased documentation and as such is not recognized in tender procedure. During tender procedure, there were no changes in terms but deadline was extended twice and now deadline for offers delivery is April 1 and experience in counter production was decreased from five to four years and all changes were done so that needs of local producers would be satisfied. These three changes were approved in line with EBRD procedure, it was stated in the announcement.

In early February, very successful "Pre-tender" meeting with 54 representatives of potential bidders was held. EPS is inviting all tender participants to, if they think tender procedure was breached, use their right to lodge complaint within clearly defined tender rules with which the agreed with documentation purchase.

EPS outlines that tender for procurement of IT and measuring infrastructure , devices and integration was not primarily designed for development of local industry of counters but for set up of overall information and communication solution and infrastructure, for efficiency improvement, full control of energy flow, quality service for customers in commercial public supplying, decrease of losses and improvement of electricity payment collection, EPS announced.

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