Metropola d.o.o. Ljubljana

Metropola d.o.o. Ljubljana
Vodovodna cesta 109, 1000 Ljubljana

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
Industrial Park Belgrade – the IPB has 180 ha and is one of the largest industrial parks in Serbia with its unique mode of cooperation with investors and companies that are looking for efficient and stimulating economic environment, entering point to the Serbian market or unique springboard for expansion to the markets of other countries of the Southeast Europe. The Industrial park Belgrade provides its partners innovative way of investment in basic assets, reliable managed business and industrial environment and strategic location on the markets of the Southeast Europe and unlimited possibilities of business development and economic growth. The industrial park Belgarde is important because of its strategic position. The IPB lies on the junction of the West and Southeast Europe and Asia, right next to the park go two key traffic corridors – VII and X Pan-European corridors.
