PKF hotelexperts GmBh Austria

PKF hotelexperts GmBh Austria
Reichenhallerstraße 10a, 5020 Salzburg
Verantwortliche Person
Michael Widmann, Managing Director

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
PKF is among the world's major public accounting and consulting organisations and is represented throughout the world, with 21 offices in Germany and more than 440 offices in 125 coun­tries.

PKF hotelexperts and its consultants also have extensive experience with regard to other tourism and real estate developments, specifically in the following fields:

Hotels, motels and resorts
Conference, congress and exhibition centres
Serviced apartments
Timeshare concepts, hotels and resorts
Senior citizens residences
Airports (including airport hotels and related developments)
Mixed-use developments
Golf courses and golf resorts
Restaurants and other food & beverage facilities
