9. Septembar MEDICAL doo Velereč

Klein Unternehmen
9. Septembar MEDICAL doo Velereč
Velereč bb, 32300 Gornji Milanovac
Verantwortliche Person
Zoran Jokanović
Vorgänger +

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
"9. Septembar" doo is private company, founded on september 9. 1982.

Shortly after founding the company began designing and manufacturing various types of machinery, particularly machines for processing toilet paper .. The company has expanded its activities in 1991, by adding a new program for the production of medical equipment to produce medical and dental supplies. With the production of medical programs, the company also developed the production of machines for the production of paper napkins and tissues, as well as other types of machinery for the processing of paper.
Manufacture of machinery for the processing of paper is located in Cacak. Plant for the manufacture of medicinal products, starting from June 2014 operated as an independent factory, as a result of structural changes in the company. Still privately owned, still owned by the same owners as well as from the very beginning, the factory still aims to operate and works in accordance with the latest trends in order to meet the needs of customers and the public. Production of medical devices, in Gornji Milanovac, takes place in accordance with the latest European directives, in accordance with ISO standards (9001, 14000, 13485 and OHSAS 18000)
