Greenhouse capital Beograd - privredno društvo obrisano iz registra

GREENHOUSE CAPITAL DOO BEOGRAD - privredno društvo obrisano iz registra
Dobračina 38, 11000 Beograd
Verantwortliche Person
Michael Robert O'leary-Collins

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
Greenhouse Investments is a private investment company that has a portfolio of interests in various geographies including sole rights of ownership of the Greenhouse trade mark and brand.

The main Greenhouse offerings are therefore:

Fixed income/debt capital markets
Mergers and acquisitions
Corporate and acquisition finance
Financial restructuring
In particular, Greenhouse provides comprehensive solutions across the credit spectrum for middle market issuers and investors:

High yield and distressed debt
Senior secured debt
Second lien/junior debt
Convertible bonds
Mezzanine and subordinated debt
