EVN Wärmekraftwerke GmbH

EVN Wärmekraftwerke GmbH
EVN Platz, 2344 Maria Enzersdorf
Verantwortliche Person
Dipl.-Ing. Gernot Alfons, Mag. Franz Netolitzka, Dr. Dipl.-Ing- Gerhard Kampichler

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
EVN is a leading, international and publicly listed energy and environmental services company, with headquarters in Lower Austria, the country’s largest federal province.

Based on state-of-the-art infrastructure, EVN provides its home market with electricity, natural gas, heat, drinking water and wastewater treatment, waste incineration and related services from a single supplier. Furthermore, the company operates cable TV and telecommunications networks and offers various energy services for private and business customers as well as municipalities as part of its portfolio.
