Agranela d.o.o. Valjevo

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
AGRANELA is a manufacturing and trading Serbian company that provides import-export services as well. Since its establishment in 2003, AGRANELA operated successfully from head office in Valjevo.

As one of the leading private companies - fruit exporter from Serbia, AGRANELA is oriented to the growing, processing and packing of dried fruits, as well as further distribution on domestic and foreign markets.

In a village Šušeoka, only 10km far from Valjevo, is manufactury, where AGRANELA is processing and drying fruits.

In Belgrade AGRANELA has its branch office which is main activity export and import of certain fruit products.

The combination of tradition, experience and application of latest technological achievements in growing, processing and packaging has resulted in creating its own brand - STELA PRUNELA, pitted dried plums (prune) of high quality.