Inter-Mehanika Skorenovac

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
Continuously investing in new production programs, realizing that the program of repair and maintenance of rolling stock in Serbia in recent years created a huge gap, the owners of INTER MEHANIKA start to invest in program of production and services related to railways. In 2008. on location'' STARA ZELEZARA - UTVA IBZ'' at 1.2 km from the railway station Smederevo, a modern hall for repair and maintenance of all types of freight cars was built. INTER – MEHANIKA DOO Smederevo, is now a modern company that manufactures and servants, for large state systems (EPS Railways.), Private companies (USS Serbia, Nis MIN Vagonka, NIS LPG, Inter-Gas.), and for all other persons, known as biomass boilers, which are'' clean'' the yard in many places in Vojvodina, villages Homolja, Pomoravlje and Sumadija.