N&N Commerce d.o.o. Beograd (WellnessCompany)

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
The WellnessLand is exclusive complex for recreation, relaxation and total revitalization, first of a kind in Belgrade. In more than 1050 sqm are offered services that fascinatingly unify philosophy of East, mystique of the Orient, technique and technologies of the West, ancient and modern treatments for those that have decided to achieve harmony between Body and Mind.
Located in very heart of the city, The WellnessLand offers fitness zone equipped with high-end Technogym tools, a wide aerobic facility with spinning and Pilates equipment, ideal locker rooms with saunas, a pool and many other items. Quality of the equipment sets new standard in domain of recreation and nicely combined services a possibility for top relaxation, enjoy and rest.

The WellnessLand also provides services of medical rehabilitation procedures within unique Wellness Physio-Center, body fat reduction program, various alternative medicine procedures, Wellness-Playroom for children and Wellness-Café.
Our top experts (fitness trainers, aerobic-instructors, physiotherapists, pe-dagogues, medical doctors) and other highly trained staff present all of pro-cedures.
Parking for 10 cars is at customeras disposal, as well as Wellness-Shop, which offers all the items that make sport and fitness more interesting and supports wellness ideas and lifestyle.