Arteska Subotica - u stečaju

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
Arteska International Company – the predecessor company of the newly found International Company ARTESKA - is a corporate system for production and distribution of refreshing non-alcoholic Sinalco beverages, alcoholic beverages product line, and marmalade and jam product lines.

The products of the Si&Si Company that has of recently become International Company ARTESKA, have conquered the market in a very short time, thus becoming recognizable in the consumers’ minds. With their high quality and original design, they have set high standards for all the products that are still to appear on the market.

While developing according to its original concept, and at the same time recognizing the international experiences, Arteska International Company – the predecessor of the newly found International Company ARTESKA - decided to take the provocative approach and to offer the top quality products in every field of their business dealings.

It is made up of a group of energetic and educated people who are ready to accept challenges, and who consider each opening in the market to be their chance for success.