Ravago Chemicals d.o.o. Beograd

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
Ravago Chemicals is a global chemical distribution company with a leading position in the EMEA and North America region. We are the go-to partner for the chemical industry and deliver the right chemical materials and specialty additives to our customers. We are a family company by history and we value the long standing relationships we have with our suppliers, our customers and our own people. We rely on the technical and industry expertise of our team and we make an effort to be innovative and to integrate new developments – in products, materials, trends and market developments - in our daily operations.

Ravago Chemicals offers a comprehensive product portfolio of basic raw materials and specialties for a wide range of applications, such as Coating & Construction, Care Chemicals (home care, industrial cleaning, institutional cleaning, personal care), Polymer processing and manufacturing, Water Treatment, Life Sciences (food, feed, pharma), Agriculture, Paper & Cardboard and Oil & Lubricants.