Udruženje konsultanata inženjera BiH

Udruženje konsultanata inženjera Bosne i Hercegovine
Put života bb, 71000 Sarajevo

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
1. Gathering of legal entities dealing with consulting activity for protection and improvement of their business interest and reputation through affirmation of the professional rules and professional ethics, all in the aim of improving efficiency of business operations in compliance with the rules and international standards.

2. Realizing international cooperation of the Association members in accordance with good business customs, as well as establishing of positive relations with the bodies of state government and legislator, and chambers and other local and international institutions caring about bringing and implementation of the rules in consulting activity.

3. Representing and presenting of its Members’ interests encouraging and improving so the consulting branch.

4. It initiates to establish by legislative and other legal regulations professional standards and rules, in accordance with the rules of the International Federation of consulting engineers FIDIC and relative legislative, in the aim of improving the Members’ services quality.

5. It harmonizes the conditions for realization of the members’ activities and in this aim it: proposes, regulates and publishes methodology and recommendations for negotiating and/or evaluating the consultants services, monitors their application in practice and, in addition to its Members, it makes public such methods and recommendations.

6. It encourages and assists in application of the professional rules and recommendations of the International Federation FIDIC, and for this purpose, cooperates with it, its regional associations and members.

7. It cares about improving mutual relations of the Association Members.

8. It makes circumstances for joint appearance of the Members with local and foreign partners.

9. It realizes various forms of cooperation with universities, institutes, professional associations and other associated organizations in the country and abroad.

10. It organizes professional education by maintaining meetings, publishing bulletins, brochures and various forms of publications intended for its Members and the public.
