Works on organization of ski track "Briježđa" – surprises for next skiing season

Source: eKapija Thursday, 16.07.2009. 14:37

The Directorate for Building Land and Construction of Municipality of Nova Varoš has recently announced open competition for works on organization of ski track "Briježđa".

Ski lift "Briježđa", of which cables towards the slopes of Zlatar mountain start almost from the center of Nova Varoš (from the city to the TV relay on Cvijetnjak hill), will get its function. The starting point of this four-seat ski lift is at the height of 988 meters above the sea level, while its final point is at the height of 1202 m.

Some works have already been done on the complex of ski tracks because the construction of a part of the track above the main route and bus station commenced in 2008. Current ski track is 880 meters long, and construction of additional three tracks is in the pipeline.

The plan is that the system for making artificial snow be installed on this mountain in the future, which requires investments in introduction of water, making of small artificial lakes and purchase of cannons.

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