Pompa, Scalla and Spin are looking for new owner - April 25 to see competition for Beohemija, initial price totals RSD 595,5 m

Source: eKapija Friday, 24.03.2017. 11:58
Illustration (Photo: Africa Studio/shutterstock.com)Illustration
Bankruptcy trustee at Beohemija from Belgrade has announced sale of debtor as a legal entity through by public auction.

Subject of sale is debtor as a legal entity, whose most important assets are trademarks Pompa, Scalla, Spin, business and residential-office space in Belgrade, buildings and building land in Zrenjanin, plant and equipment, inventories of raw materials, etc.

Initial price is app. RSD 595,9 m.

Public auction is scheduled for April 25, at 12 in the company premises in Belgrade.

Full list of assets and information about the tender is available HERE.

Let us remind that recently sale of another part of the Beohemija system - Beohemija Inhem has been announced.

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