Magna Seating gets free land in Odzaci - The company invests EUR 6 million and employs about 500 workers

Source: Dnevnik Wednesday, 26.10.2016. 10:53

By the Decision of the Municipal Assembly Odžaci, the company Magna Seating Odžaci has been allocated, free of charge, building land in public ownership in the industrial zone, in order that the company could fulfill business plans in connection with the expansion of the capacity of the existing plant.

Otherwise, the state of Serbia will support this project with EUR 2.25 million on the basis of a contract, which was signed with the consent of the Government between the Ministry of Economy and this company.

By the same agreement, Magna Seating committed to expand production capacity in Odžaci with investing more than EUR 6 million and employing at least 503 new workers.

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