Fulgar East continues to invest - EUR 5 million invested in new production facility in Zrenjanin

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 11.03.2015. 16:06

Zrenjanin (Photo: zrenjanin.rs)Zrenjanin

The first company ever to obtain a building permit from the City Administration of Zrenjanin by a new shortened procedure, Fulgar East, is building a new production facility on a surface area of 9,000 square meters. As Fulgar East CEO Adolfo Carlo Perosi told us, EUR 5 million are invested in this project which should shortly lead to the creation of new jobs.

This company currently occupies an area of 30,000 square meters after its storage space was extended last year to another 6,000 square meters. Following the completion of the fourth phase and the new production facility, which will be built by the main contractor Martini gradnja from Indjija, the factory on the outskirts of Zrenjanin will occupy a surface area of 39,000 square meters.

The expansion of synthetic yarn production should ensure jobs for another 40 to 50 new workers.

By the way, Fulgar East, which has been operating in Zrenjanin for as many as eight years now, is supplying aforementioned thread to companies Matex, 8. mart and Proleter, whereas the rest of the production is sent to the parent company in Italy. In other words, 40% of Fulgar`s thread is used by domestic sock makers, while 60% is exported. The company also plan to establish cooperation with Italy`s Sitip, whose arrival in Zrenjanin was announced last summer. However, this company has not yet started building a factory in this town.

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