Bureaucracy is the biggest problem of German companies in Serbia

Source: Tanjug Friday, 24.10.2014. 07:19

The biggest problem of the German companies operating in Serbia is Serbian bureaucracy, Martin Knapp, the head of the Delegation of German trade in Belgrade, said yesterday and outlined that the Prime Minister, Aleksnadar Vucic, during the meeting with the German investors, delegated urgent solving of the problems.

- We expect deep fight against bureaucracy and its decrease – Knapp said in his announcement for Tanjug.

He said that the Delegation of the German trade in Serbia will ask its members to number the procedures which are the biggest obstacle in business and he will sum up the answers and send them to the Government of Serbia. Knapp expects it will help the Government of Serbia to decrease bureaucracy. .

When it comes to the meeting between German investors and the Prime Minister Vucic, he says it was friendly, specific and that the topics were straight to the point. Knapp reminded that Vucic has met for a few times this year with German businessmen and every time they discussed problems of German companies in Serbia.

Representative of the German trade in Belgrade did not want to comment proposed budget rebalance for this year but he underlined that fiscal stability is always good for business environment.

- From that perspective as well, all measures which have been undertaken to achieve it are welcomed – Knapp said.

He said the Government that the Government of Serbia has been taken some basic steps and they are, as he says, the labour law and the law on privatization and bankrupcty..

According to him, business community does not have problem with taxes in Serbia but what does not convene to investors is instability.

He said that every year the association surveys its members and as he says 92% claims they would invest in Serbia again.

- They outline employees as the best element in business in Serbia while they mainly criticize the state i.e. extensive bureaucracy. There is a room for development here – Knapp said.

When asked whether it is true that our opinion that the Germans work much more than the Serbia, he says it isn’t.

- The Germans may work even less but they are better organized – Knapp says.

AHK Srbija AHK Srbija
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